Thursday, 12 December 2019

Stem challenge

we are learning to problem solve as a team .We made a chair out of paper  and tape, it had to be ten cm. what was challenging we need to work as a team and focus. I am proud of my self because I made a chair. Do you want to make a chair out of paper and tape?  

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

My life cycels of a tuatara

We have learning to write a explanation about animal life cycles. we had to do some research and we did a draft about it. what went well I finished it. my next steep is to be a bit more focused do you know  etching about tuatara?

Stage one egg
Want to know how an egg turns into a tuatara cheap to find ou reading !!
If the mother lays the eggs on a cold day  it is a male and if it is a warm day it is a female. The motherb lays the eggs underground in the soil. The tuatara stays in the egg for 12 to 15 months.

Stage 2 hatchling

A hatchling tuatara has 3 eyes they are about 12 cm. As soon as the tuatara brakes out of its egg it is left to defend themselves.

 Stage 3 The Juvenile 

Juvenile hunts in the day because the adults eat the other baby tuataras Juveniles do not have babies Juveniles are called a juvenil for 15 years.    

Stage 4 the adult stage

Adult tuataras are about 45 cm long. sleep through the day and hunt at night tuataras have been around since dinosaurs they are the most ancient animals in the world.